Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week Thirteen & Fourteen – Ike Carumba

I can’t believe I am already halfway done with my 28-week mission. Not only am I at the halfway point, I’m also a few pounds ahead of schedule. At this point I am confident I will reach my goal cause I have more to gain than lose (literally and figuratively).

The past couple weeks have been really challenging for me, not only preparing for Hurricane Ike but also dealing with the aftermath. I think the aftermath of the storm was far worse then the storm itself. Needless to say, I wasn’t able to workout for several days, which I know probably affected the scale.

As of this past week I am back in my apartment, back at work and most importantly back to working out. Here’s what I did the past few days:

09/19 3 Mile walk at Memorial Park; 488 calories burned
09/20 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/22 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/24 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned

I am excited about working out with Justin this coming Saturday. We haven’t done Commit To Fit in two weeks because of Ike. The first Saturday was when Ike hit and the gym was closed and last Saturday Justin and Denise were still evacuated...

Another gym update is Melissa has cancelled Boot Camp classes this week due to low class attendance. The thing I think is most aggravating about her decision is she said in order to see results we have to be consistent with our workouts; but at the same time she says if she doesn’t get a certain number of RSVPs for each class, she will be canceling them. Where is the consistency in that? I’ve paid for the sessions; I should be able to take them. The way I see it is it’s like I bought a ticket to see a movie – the website says they are going to show a movie at 945, I buy the ticket, go to the theater and then when I get there they say, “Sorry, you can’t see your movie today cause we didn’t sell 50 tickets – try again Thursday”. Who would tolerate that? Not that I’m the world’s greatest businessman but I think it is bad business to sell something you can’t fulfill….

Something I can and will fulfill is the remainder of my goal. I know technically it is downhill from this point but something tells me these next 36 pounds might be an uphill battle!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week Twelve – Commitment Issues

Due to Hurricane Ike, I will not be able to weigh today…

This has been a very busy week for me. Not only due to the pending Hurricane but also I’ve really tried to make good choices and work out as much as I could.

On Saturday I enrolled in the Commit To Fit challenge at my gym. Denise and I worked out for an hour prior to Zumba with Justin. The thing I liked most about the workout was how customized it was. Meaning Justin monitored and adjusted every exercise. I noticed the biggest difference on the weight machines. I figured out I have been doing some of the sets at Boot Camp incorrectly – where I had a bar hitting my calf I found out it should have been hitting my ankle, etc.

Speaking of Boot Camp, I missed last Thursday and I heard through the grapevine that Melissa was questioning my commitment level. At first I was pissed cause I think I have never been more committed and then I realized, she doesn’t know me. As silly as that sounds, she doesn’t know how hard I have been working and what a complete 180 I have done. Anyways, I guess it shouldn’t matter what anyone’s opinion is at this point, I know I am committed and that’s all that matters…

Actually I am so committed to losing weight and this new program that I was stressing out earlier this week about missing this Saturday’s Commit To Fit workout. It was a hard decision but I decided I would go late to my annual camping trip to Austin with friends instead of missing Saturday’s workout. We plan this trip at least six months in advance so you can imagine how tough this decision was.

Funny enough, due to Ike, not only has our annual weekend getaway been rescheduled but Justin is having to mandatory evacuate as well. Speaking of, I better get going. Here’s how I did this past week:

09/04 Treadmill for 30 Minutes; 273 calories burned
09/04 Elliptical Machine for 30 Minutes; 410 calories burned
09/04 Stationary Bike for 30 Minutes; 716 calories burned
09/05 3 Mile walk at Memorial Park; 488 calories burned
09/06 Commit To Fit – One Hour; 1091 calories burned
09/06 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/07 6 Mile walk at Memorial Park; 976 calories burned
09/08 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/09 Boot Camp for an hour and twenty minutes; 1479 calories burned
09/10 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/10 Core class with Justin for 15 minutes; 209 calories burned

I can’t believe I worked out a little over TEN hours this week! And Melissa is questioning my commitment – Humph.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week Eleven – A Gain, Again

Although I am aggravated, I can’t say I am surprised I gained this week. After all the last time I gained was over a holiday weekend.

I hope that doesn’t sound like an excuse: like it’s ok to gain because it was Labor Day weekend. That’s not what I’m saying. I think enjoying a holiday and being a little bad is fine. However I wasn’t just a little bad, I was a lot bad. And I wasn’t bad for one meal or even just for one day – I was bad the whole time…

Actually thinking back I am a surprised I didn’t gain more. To say I was carefree is an understatement; I would say I was more careless this past week.

Sadly my diet wasn’t the only thing that suffered – my workouts were pitiful. By the way, whoever came up with the expression “no pain, no gain” must not have been describing exercising cause in my experience, no pain equals gain! I know if I want to continue to lose weight, I have to put in the work so for now on it’s gain or pain… Anyways, I know it’s not much but here’s how I did this past week:

09/03 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
09/03 Core class with Justin for 15 minutes; 209 calories burned

I know there are several more holidays to get through before the end of the year and I would like to go on the record and say this is the last time I will sabotage my hard work for the sake holidays.

Oh and speaking of ‘holidays’, I am so confident that I will reach my goal by the end of December that I went ahead and booked a trip to Las Vegas for New Years. I figured what better way to celebrate 28 weeks of self-control than a few days in the city of excess…