Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week Twenty – Keep The Change

There’s an old cliché that says the more things change the more things stay the same. I’ve never really thought about that expression much until this past week. You see, this past week has really been about changes; whether I was changing my clocks, changing my oil, changing a tire, changing my sheets, and on Tuesday I even voted for change.

Those who know me know that I am a huge fan of change. I don’t know why but I can get bored very easily. Luckily I haven’t gotten uninterested in working out, although even my workouts are constantly changing. As you may recall last week I was thrilled to be able to leg press 120 pounds, well let me just say, old news! I’m up to 200 pounds now thanks to Denise…

Speaking of thanking Denise, I really could not ask for a better workout partner. She’s constantly bringing me healthy snacks and meals to try and she’s always pushing me while we work out. Take for instance on Saturday, when Jerry and the gang didn’t show up for Zumba I instantly assumed I would go home and crash (especially after the long night I had!) but instead Denise suggested we go walk a nearby park. And not only did I feel better after we were done, but it was nice getting to know Denise better. Oh and on Monday she made a huge banner for Zumba class that said “Congratulations Chris, 50 pounds in 50 classes”.

Let me say, walking into class and having everyone clap and praise me for doing such a good job was an incredible feeling. I actually took the banner home and hung it on my wall so I can remember that feeling and all my hard work to get to that point every day.

And funny enough, just like Denise, that sign has been motivating. There’s been a couple times this week that I wanted to just sit on the couch and watch TV but then I see that sign and instantly it makes me be productive!

Here’s what I did this week:
10/30 3 mile walk at Memorial; 791 calories burned
11/01 Commit To Fit, One Hour; 1091 calories burned
11/01 Walked park with Denise; 396 calories burned
11/03 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
11/03 Commit To Fit, One Hour; 1091 calories burned
11/05 Zumba class for an hour; 838 calories burned
11/05 Commit To Fit, One Hour; 1091 calories burned

Another change this week is that I’ve really been very conscious of my food intake. Not only am I being very strict with what I eat, I’ve been really trying to monitor when I eat. And apparently its working cause I’ve lost another 3 pounds this week. Hopefully my plateau stage is over! Oh and I almost forgot, the biggest change yet. Justin did our body fat measurements on Monday and it turns out I’ve lost double digits this past month!

So about that old cliché about things staying the same, maybe its time someone made a change to it; cause if you ask me, the more things stay the same, the more they need to change…